The Sigmoid Function and Its Role in Neural Networks

Artificial Intelligence +
9 min readAug 31, 2023

The Sigmoid function is a commonly used activation function in neural networks, especially for binary classification problems.

Introductory Overview of the Sigmoid Function

The Sigmoid function, is often denoted by the mathematical function -

It serves as a crucial element in various computational fields, particularly machine learning and statistics. It maps any input value into a range between 0 and 1, providing a way to normalize or ‘squash’ numbers. This bounded range makes it useful in calculations involving probabilities.

The function exhibits an S-shaped curve when plotted on a graph, known as a sigmoid curve. The shape of this curve implies that changes in the output are gradual and nonlinear. The curve is steeper in the middle, indicating greater sensitivity to changes in input values close to zero.

The Sigmoid function has found extensive use in logistic regression, neural networks, and other machine learning algorithms. It helps in transforming complex, non-linear relationships in data to make them more interpretable and manageable for computation. The function is also useful in producing probabilities in binary decision problems.

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Artificial Intelligence +
Artificial Intelligence +

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